
Philip Garcia

Born in Cali, and raised in Texas. My time spent growing up in different areas of the country helped nurture a unique perspective that contributes to my work. That, and analyzing every movie I get my hands on.  

I Didn't choose the film life, the film life chose me.

My work of commercials, music videos, digital content and brand films have taken me through a diverse range of brands including: Texas Health Resources, CoAct, and Texas Wesleyan. I approach each project with a focus to connect businesses with their respective audiences and a desire to foster positive relationships through collaboration. Most importantly, there is absolutely nothing I would rather be doing than sculpting a story into a film.

When I’m not filming you can find me at the movie theater watching the films of my heroes, jamming out with my wife on guitar, or emptying your local convenience store of all their Mexican Cokes.  

Got a project in mind?

~ Let’s talk.